26 April 2016
OCDS Api Specification Community Discussion
As part of our ongoing commitment to improving the Open Contracting Data Standard, we are hosting an online community discussion around api specification.
- To share learning on existing projects to make OCDS data available via APIs. Presentations may address:
- The API that has been created
- Which user needs were the priority?
- What design decisions have been made?
- What are the key learning points from the process?
- Could OCDS do anything to help improve API design and development?
- To explore the potential and scope for increased guidance in OCDS 1.1 around APIs for data discovery, harvesting or querying.
- To identify if there should be ongoing community work on APIs.
The agenda can be found here: http://bit.ly/ocds-api
We’ve created a document outlining our current thinking which will form the basis of our community call available here: http://bit.ly/ocds-api-
- When:
- Tuesday, 26 April 2016 from 14:00 to 15:30 (BST)
Please sign up via Eventbrite.
Region: International
Audience: Civic Tech